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Nutanix Open Enrollment Materials

Nutanix Open Enrollment Materials
Among the many end users EGAD performs work with in the Open Enrollment sphere, Nutanix is certainly among the most particular in terms of what they want—and that’s not a bad thing. Partnering with not one but two major benefits consulting groups (Mercer and Segal Benz), we developed an appealing—dare we say, cute—campaign full of imagery with children’s imagination running, racing and flying at full tilt. At left is the cover and sample page of the interactive Benefits Guide; at right is the fully-opened inside of a mailer which unfolds like a flower, providing information and tips along the way.

Eric Gouldsberry Design/Production
Erin Ward, Beth Simone, Jillian Medoff Consultants
Chris Fielder Copywriting
Various Photography
Mercer/Segal Benz Agency
Nutanix Client